Beard Transplant

Beard transplantation is a definite and permanent treatment method that is frequently applied in cases of beard, sparse, or scattered beard. It can be done from the age of 21-22 when the hormones reach the ideal level. Although beard transplantation is mostly preferred by men with a beard problem, today many men who are faced with the problem of sparse or scattered beards also have beard transplantation and achieve more natural and aesthetic beards.

Hair follicles taken from the scalp are transplanted in the beard and mustache area of men, where there are no or very rare areas of hair. At this stage of beard transplantation, the hair in the nape area is used as a donor area. There are turns in the middle of the beard and bends in the side area. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the aspects and angles of each planting area. Channels should be opened at certain angles of 5-10 degrees.

How To Make Beard Transplantation?

• First, the hair follicle is taken from the rotating area in the neck.
• These extracted roots are applied to the areas where there are no hairs and a natural beard appearance is achieved.
• Since the grafts are taken care of in the application, there is no scar or symptom in the area taken.
• If there is a regional beard loss, the number of roots is determined according to the frequency of the remaining area and the application is made.

If the person has no beard on his face, the number of roots is determined according to the desired frequency and the application is made. In cases where the beard is not completely, an average of 1000 to 3000 roots is needed.

Beard transplantation is a one-session procedure performed under local anesthesia. It is a painless procedure that takes approximately 4-5 hours. The next day of the procedure, some small scabs can be seen in the transplanted area. However, these crusts disappear in a short time.

After Beard Transplantation

After the beard transplant, there is no scar left in the nape area where the hair follicles are taken and in the transplanted beard area. After the operation, the rashes that occur at or around the hair follicles and occasional bleeding disappear gradually after the first 1-2 weeks. Transplanted beards usually begin to grow after 3 months. 8-12. Between the months, all of the transplanted beards will grow and the face will look like a natural beard. In beard transplantation, the results are precise and permanent.

Beard Transplantation operation is performed under the professionalism of Bella Hair hair transplant specialists under local anesthesia, which is regional anesthesia. Bella Hair Hair Transplantation Center, where you can perform the beard transplantation process that requires special diameter devices in the best way, will also adjust the hair follicles and transplantation angles, which will make your beards look the most natural, with full professionalism. You can contact our experts without hesitation and ask all your questions and contact us for beard transplant prices.

Frequently Asked Questions

The beard grows between 0,25 mm and 0,35 mm per day.

The healing process after the beard transplantation is similar to that of other transplantation forms. Just as in the hair transplantation, the hair shedding is experienced some time after the beard transplantation. In rare case, this loss cannot be observed in some people. Sometimes half of the hair and sometimes the whole hair shed. It is extremely normal to experience this situation. After the shedding procedure, the permanent hair will re-growth between 4-8 months.

The fine needles with 0.6-0.7 mm thickness used during the beard transplantation do not cause scar formation.

After the beard transplantation, it should never be washed for 48 hours. Because the blood and clotting may occur due to the holes opened in the area during this period. In addition, the roots may re-growth. It is necessary to pay attention to the way you lie down for at least 2 days. The rubbing of beard should be avoided. To get a shave, you should wait 12 days.

Yes, generally the hair transplantation is carried out from beard; however, it will be very beneficial to see a specialist by getting examined.

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